Written by Sharon Rosa-Bohrer Artificial intelligence (AI) is a term that used to conjure up the image of some futuristic, sci-fi computer- driven technology, until Siri, Cortana, Alexa, and Google Assistant made AI mainstream. With human-like capabilities and an advanced algorithm, AI offers better speed and reliability at a lower cost than human counterparts.…
With nearly three million Chinese travelers coming to the USA each year, a seamless payment solution is a natural evolution for a market that has matured using mobile technology from the inception of online payments. Alipay, the world leader in digital payment platforms, has struck a partnership with Freedom Pay, a global leader in…
Customer segmentation is a key component for merchants in the ever evolving retail landscape. Understanding customer insights and consolidating data into a single end-to-end commerce platform, regardless of the different systems and mobile applications used is vital for merchants.
The city of South Burlington, Vt. has teamed up with Propy, Inc. — a global real estate marketplace with decentralized title registry — and recorded the first real estate deal utilizing blockchain. The partnership has created a whole new way for cities and states to do business that could soon become a global standard. Propy…
Mobile Payments Conference launches new website ahead of the upcoming August 2018 conference in Chicago.