BURLINGTON, MA, APRIL 29, 2022 – Executives from Aliaswire, a provider of bill payment and
credit solutions for businesses and banks, will be featured presenters at the 2022 Nacha
Smarter Faster Payments TM Conference next week in Nashville, Tennessee. The event takes
place May 1-4 at the Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center.
Aliaswire President Scott Goldthwaite will be part of a panel discussion on reducing payment
risk and maintaining compliance with Nacha’s new Phixius account validation service. Nirmal
Kumar, Aliaswire’s Chief Technology Officer, will co-present with Christopher Chazin, Director
and North America Product Head, Emerging Domestic and Cross-Border Receivables, and
Instant Payments at Citi, on the emergence of real-time payments and their impact on the
customer experience.
Smarter Faster Payments is Nacha’s annual conference, providing payments education, a
dynamic exhibit hall, and valuable networking opportunities for attendees. The event is
designed for a diversity of organizations interested in driving innovation, delivering value
through new solutions and services, and employing these offerings to meet their business
needs and/or those of their customers.
Session descriptions:
Reducing Payment Risk and Maintaining Compliance with Nacha’s Phixius Service
Sun. May 1st, 2:05 – 02:55 PM
Financial institutions, payment processers, fintechs and companies alike are increasingly
challenged to mitigate payment fraud, increase certainty for payment routing, and, all the
while, comply with pertinent regulations, including the Nacha Operating Rules. Stakeholders
have turned to Nacha to help reduce payment data supply chain friction for exchanging and
validating information for these purposes. In this session, presenters will provide an overview
of the Nacha Phixius peer-to-peer network for payment data exchange and validation, and
present case studies for leveraging Phixius.
o Robert Unger, AAP, Senior Director, Product Management & Strategic Initiatives, Nacha
o Todd P. Youngren, President, Avenu
o Scott E. Goldthwaite, President, Aliaswire
o George Throckmorton, Managing Director, Nacha
Real-Time Bill Payment: A Next-Generation Solution for Billers & Consumers
Mon. May 2, 2:10 – 03:00 PM
To successfully compete in the marketplace, billers need to offer a variety of bill payment
options and related capabilities that meet their customers’ evolving needs and rising
expectations. In particular, real-time solutions, such as Request for Payment (RfP) and instant
account validation capabilities, provide an opportunity to drive efficiency and optimize the
customer experience. This session will address how changes in the industry are impacting both
billers and consumers and identify potential use cases for new real-time capabilities.
Nirmal Kumar, Chief Technology Officer, Aliaswire
Christopher Chazin, Director and North America Product Head, Emerging Domestic and Cross-
Border Receivables, and Instant Payments at Citi