Unlocking 3DS: Podcast Episode on Evolution & Future in Payment In this engaging episode, Marcia Klingensmith, Director at Payments Consulting Network, guides us through the intricate evolution of 3D Secure, providing a comprehensive understanding of its inception and the subsequent evolution into a seamless and data-enriched experience. Joined by the CEO and Co-Founder of PAAY, Yitz Mendlowitz, our conversation extends beyond the…
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Author: Ganeshram Ramamurthy The number of decentralized finance (DeFi) dApp users is growing, with 4.8 million DeFi wallets out in cyberspace as of July 2022, a 69% increase from a year prior.1 In this blog, we’ll explore DeFi dApps and why they’re gaining in popularity. We’ll also cover gasless transactions (also called meta transactions) and…