Review Process
All proposals will be reviewed by the MPC Advisory Board, with feedback for final selection provided by the MPC content and executive team. Criteria for consideration is:
- Relevance to current industry trends
- Sufficient use of logic, facts, examples and/or expert opinion
- Knowledge and expertise of speaker(s)
All selected speakers will be contacted directly via the contact information provided in the proposal. We hope to have final selections made by the end of April.
Tips for Submitting a Good Proposal
- Topic
- Is it interesting? – Prioritized topics will be interesting to a wide range of attendees. Make it intriguing.
- Is it timely? – If the topic is over a year old, it will most likely not be of great interest to our attendees, who have probably already received pertinent information and data.
- Has it been covered recently? – If the topic was covered in our last show then one, it isn’t timely, and two, we try to not repeat ourselves each show.
- Suggested Topics
- Banking
- Branch transformation
- Emerging Card Issuance solutions
- Faster payments
- KYC, risk management
- Mobile, digital banking
- Merchant settlement
- Billing & Payments
- Disruption – cards, real-time payments (use-cases)
- Insurance
- Merchant Settlement
- RFP (request for pay)
- Blockchain / cryptocurrencies
- Tradifi and Defi bridge
- Institutional Crypto – disruptive finance
- Cyrypto-Fi — financila services of Web3.0
- Financial services
- Alternative Finance
- Bill Pay
- Cross-border payments
- Digital commerce
- Legislative, Regulatory landscapes
- Market Research, Analysis
- Merchant Services
- App Marketplace
- Merchant Acquiring
- Payment Facilitation
- SaaS, Solution Selling
- Business Management
- Security, Compliance
- Tax, Insurance
- Vertical Markets
- Healthcare
- Hospitality
- Retail
- Security & Fraud
- Automated, AI-based solutions
- Digital Identity
- Emerging Threats (ATO, etc.)
- Technology
- 5G
- Connections – frictionless transactions
- Contactless payment schemes
- Data Analytics; AI
- Logistics; Supply Chain
- POS, Cloud-based, hardware-based
- Telecom
- Unattended Solutions
- X-as-a-Platform
- Crypto
- Embedded Payments
- Enablement
- Other vertical or horizontal platforms
- Payments
- & More!
Grammar/Punctuation – Your writing is a reflection of how you will present. Make sure your written words are as compelling as your spoken words to put you in top running for a speaking opportunity.
Keep it generic – No one wants to hear a sales pitch so keep examples generic. Don’t include your company or brand name within the session abstract or title.
Include case studies – Everyone loves real-world examples. If you have one, be sure to include it. If you can get the company/person to co-present with you, even better.
Submit on Time
Don’t miss the deadline for the call for speakers – Call for speakers is open through January. As soon as it closes, we start evaluating the proposals that we receive. If you submit after the deadline, we may have already selected a proposal similar to yours leaving you out of the agenda. The call for speakers is always announced on our event website so be sure to keep a look out.
Theory of Probability
Submit Multiple Topics- We get anywhere from 80 – 300 proposals submitting depending on the show. And anywhere from 5 – 60 sessions to fill. By submitting for multiple topics/categories you have a greater chance of being selected.
Keynote/Tutorial vs. Panel Session – Generally, the MPC agenda includes up to 10 keynote sessions and 20+ panel sessions so the probability of being included in a panel session is greater that being selected for a keynote session. Please keep this in mind when submitting your speaker application.
Additional Guidelines
By submitting a proposal, speaker(s) agree to the following guidelines:
- Session(s) may be recorded and/or streamed and sold by MPC with no monetary benefit or revenue share accruing to the speaker.
- Session(s) must be educational in nature. Speakers may not promote their organization, products or services as part of their presentation(s).
- Book authors may use and reference their books during session(s), but may not sell anything. Any author wishing to make direct sales must rent exhibit space.
- MPC is unable to cover travel expense or provide financial compensation to speakers beyond complimentary speaker registration.
- If content being presented is not original, it is the sole responsibility of the speaker to get permission from the owner to present at MPC.